Stay at Moianès!

L’Estany is one of the 10 municipalities that make up the county of El Moianès. The others are Calders, Castellcir, Castellterçol, Collsuspina, Granera, Moià, Monistrol de Calders, Sant Quirze Safaja and Santa Maria d’Oló. All of these municipalities are participating in the Moianès Ecomuseum project, whose aim is to foment the county’s existing pre-industrial heritage and use it as a tool for regional promotion.

The range of features of the physical and human landscape of pre-industrial society that constitute the Moianès Ecomuseum can be grouped into five main thematic areas that help us to understand local ways of life, ways of working, ways of producing food, ways of making use of available natural resources and the ways in which people communicated and interacted with each other until well into the twentieth century.

Let yourself to be captivated by the landscapes, the history, the pre-industrial heritage, the gastronomy and the serenity of El Moianès. You will delight in the myriad of things to do in the villages throughout the four corners of the county. Enjoy El Moianès!

Ajuntament de L'Estany

Ways of life

The farmhouses, the village houses, the workers' houses, and the auxiliary constructions provide us with a wide range of constructions of different shapes and types that correspond to the various uses and distributions of the inhabited spaces.

Ajuntament de L'Estany

Mas Grau

Ajuntament de L'Estany

Carrer dels Monjos

Ajuntament de L'Estany

Carrer dels Monjos 1950

Ajuntament de L'Estany

Carrer dels Caputxins

Ajuntament de L'Estany

Mas Esplugues. Castellcir

Carrer de poble. Granera

Village street. Granera

Poble. Sant Quirze Safaja

Village. Sant Quirze Safaja

Ajuntament de L'Estany

Village. Santa Maria d’Oló

Working patterns

The transformation of the rural landscape was initially linked to crop growing. From the eighteenth century onwards the complementary process of industrialisation began with the establishment of various factories.

Era d’en Troà. 1920

Era d’en Troà. 1920

Mur de pedra seca

Dry stone wall

Molí dels Frares. 1946

Frares' mill. 1946

Fàbrica de dalt. 1910

Fàbrica de dalt. 1910

Rentador de llana. Castellterçol

Wool washer. Castellterçol

Barraca de vinya. Monistrol de Calders

Vine barrack. Monistrol de Calders

Barraca de vinya. Calders

Vine barrack. Calders

Colònia industrial Jorba. Calders

Industrial colony Jorba. Calders

Ways of nourishment

The pre-industrial gastronomic model was based on quite a large number of ingredients of vegetable and animal origin, some of which were transformed (in mills, ovens, distilleries, etc.) using a variety of different methods of preparation, conservation and commercialisation.

Conreu a la Carrera

Field at la Carrera

Conreu a la Crosa

Field at la Crosa

Ramat de cabres

Herd of goats

Ramat de vaques

Herd of cows

Molí d'en Brotons. Castellcir

Brotons mill. Castellcir

Molí d'en Brotons. Castellcir. Aprox. 1980

Brotons mill. Castellcir. Aprox. 1980

Forn del Mas Esplugues. Castellcir

Forn del Mas Esplugues. Castellcir

Pots de conserves. Castellterçol

Jars. Castellterçol

Ways of making use of natural resources

Nature offers an enormous variety of resources: from the woods (plants, fruit, resin, firewood, coal, etc.), from the land (crops, brick-kilns), from stone (quarries for building material and calcium, chalk and glass kilns, etc.)and from the water (canals, wells, ice wells,etc.)

Font d’Auró

Font d’Auró

Font de la Sala

Font de la Sala

Font Grossa

Font Grossa

Font dels Bous

Font dels Bous

Poua de la Ginebreda. Castellterçol

Ginebreda's pit. Castellterçol

Forns de calç. Calders

Lime kilns. Calders

Font de les Tàpies. Calders

Font de les Tàpies. Calders

Poua de la Vinyota. Castellterçol

Vinyota's pit. Castellterçol

Ways of communicating and forming social relationships

The networks of roads, the means of communication and exchanging information, social relations (uses and customs), religious beliefs and the different types of recreational activities and leisure areas have also all contributed to modelling the landscape.

Camí Ramader

Cattle Track

Camí de Vic

Trail to Vic

Fira de l’Estany

Fira de l’Estany

Carretera de Moià

Motorway to Moià

Camí Ral. Moià

Trail. Moià

Hostal de Can Xarina. Collsuspina

Hostal de Can Xarina. Collsuspina

Pont de les Graus. Moià

Pont de les Graus. Moià

Pont d’Esplugues. Castellcir

Pont d’Esplugues. Castellcir

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